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Introduction to Computational Proteomics

This seminar will cover central aspects of modern bottom-up proteome analysis by mass spectrometry with a focus on bioinformatic algorithms and data analysis.

Covered topics will include isotope model calculation, identification of mass spectra, false-discovery-rate estimation using decoy peptides, absolute and relative quantification of proteins and correlation between mRNA and protein expression.


InstructorChris Bielow
RoomArnimallee SR 009/A6
StartApr 12, 2019 | 12:00 PM
endJul 12, 2019 | 02:00 PM

Seminar, immer Freitags, 12:00 - 14:00 Uhr

Proteomics (the study of identity and abundance of proteins in a cell/tissue/organism) is a prominent and active field of research in bioinformatics.

We will introduce the basic concepts in the first lecture(s) and discuss specific topics during the course, while also touching upon current implementations, advantages and drawbacks of these approaches.

There will be a prep-meeting about 1-2 weeks before the first seminar starts.

Update: prep-meeting is scheduled for March 29th 2019, 10 am c.t. in room K21/Taku9 -- see KVV for further announcements.